Ia Clean Pro All-Purpose Cleaner Package 5 liters, 1 + 1 liter, 1 + half liter (500 ml) 2 + 100 ml, 4 Aya Clean Pro Developer

EYA CLEAN 25.309,92 $
Contact For Wholesale Purchases +90 535 776 62 22

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*Product Description*

A natural comprehensive cleanser without chemicals, which is the first in the world as a product extracted from natural trees and herbs without odor, eliminating bacteria by 99.99%.

*Product Uses*

Carpet and sofa stain cleaner

Fabric stain cleane

Cleaner for all types of floors

Oven cleaner and stainless steel safe

Leather and cloth car mattress cleaner

Cleaner and polisher for accessories, watches, gold, silver and diamonds, and it does not have any negative effect after use.

Eliminates odors.

*Usage information*

Stubborn stains from oils and fats are cleaned by spraying the product directly without using water on it.

The traces of old rust on the surfaces of burnt utensils or metal kitchen utensils and neglected places, we have to spray them with the product and use the metal sword to clean them.

All types of furniture and furnishings made of wood or furniture, we dissolve a cup of the Ia Clean product in 1 liter of water.

All glassware we clean using a cloth dampened with Ea-Clean product after we dissolve 1 cup of Ea-Clean with 1 liter of water.

Upholstery and all kinds of fabrics and carpets. We spray the Ea Clean product directly on the place of the stain, then we withdraw the liquid with a small spoon, after that, through a dry cloth or sponge, we wipe the place of the stain.

Ceramic and parquet surfaces require a larger amount of product per 1 liter of water. We use a cup of Aya Clean Pro product.

To clean leather surfaces and all upholstery made of natural leather, we use 300 ml of water for every 1 liter of Ea Clean product and we clean it.

For cleaning the car from the inside, we use 100 ml of water for every 1 liter of Aia Clean Pro product. As for cleaning it from the outside, we need 250 ml of water for every 1 liter of Aa Clean Pro product.

A child-safe cleanser that is very suitable for those who suffer from skin allergies to chemical cleaning materials. 

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